Last updated: October 14, 2019


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Experience the future of haircolor with Matrix ColorInsider—the no-ammonia, precision permanent haircolor that maximizes high-definition color results with minimum stress to the hair’s cuticle for outstanding shine. The true-to-tone, well-balanced palette and 100 percent grey coverage with no ammonia and no odor whatsoever produces true, sharp and saturated results.


Unique Technology: The Color Injection Oil Delivery System (ODS2)
ColorInsider is the result of years of development and refinement—an efficient, highly effective and uncomplicated oil delivery system that is ideal for the busy salon hairstylist catering to a diverse clientele. 


Traditionally, ammonia swells the hair fiber and raises the cuticle layer allowing the color molecule to penetrate into the hair.  ColorInsider Color Injection System is different–it uses oil, not ammonia as the engine to physically inject color actives straight into the hair’s core. This efficient and powerful process maximizes color impact while minimizing stress on the cuticle surface. The color results are true, sharp and saturated.


ColorInsider Facts and Features:

  • The precision calibrated palette offers 52 shades plus Clear in 16 tonal families.


  • Custom-created for ColorInsider, the shades include a beautiful collection of cool neutrals and a dazzling selection of rich, vibrant reds.


  • With ColorInsider, colorists can provide clients with deeply saturated, 100 percent coverage on gray hair.


  • The 10, 20, 30 volume dedicated ColorInsider Oil-Cream Developers are mixed 1:1 and provide up to three full levels of lift.


  • ColorInsider is time-efficient, reducing processing time from 45 minutes to 35 minutes.


  • In addition to the traditional letter shade system, ColorInsider features an alpha-numeric system for precise color selection and results. (For example: 9GC = 9.34). Both are displayed on all product boxes and swatch tools.


For more information, visit


Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix

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